Tuesday 2 December 2014

Drawing the 2D of an area

Last week I wrote a post explaining what I actually do at work and what a typical file consists of and what I have to do. Today I though I could show you in more detail how I go about drawing up an area that I am presented with.

So as you can see to the left below, we have the file with the drawing of the area that the rep drew at site. The reps usually draws the area to a 1 or 2 meter square scale (on square boxed paper) with the measurements to the side of the drawing. Using 'TurboCAD Professional 17', I then draw out the measurements as a template for me to draw up the area. By doing this, it allows me to double check all the measurements and insure that every thing is perfect. Some times the Reps measurements might not add up and this requires us to either send an email or call them to fix the problem. Some times the drawing can be quite large and if its to scale, I scan the drawing into the back view port, scale the drawing, check the measurements, then simply draw over the lines of the drawing. However this example file was an easy area and didn't require me to do it.

Using the measurements, and straight lines, I am then able to start drawing and building up the area going of the drawing from the Rep. After drawing all the main lines, I then start to add detail to the drawing, for example; windows, doors, fences, gates, buildings, sheds, slopes, the fall of the area etc.

After doing that, its then just a matter of adding in the colours to make the area look presentable to the client, and obviously represent the area I am designing. To do this, we have a swatches section on the side of the design view port. It has things such as surfacing, wetpour, mulch and other basic things like trees and doors. Like I said earlier on, this design was rather simple to do and to the bottom left, you can see the finished area. The next stage is to then add the equipment that the rep asked for. However, I'll show you how to do this within another post.

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