Monday 22 December 2014

3D School

Luckily, its the 22nd and we've only got 2 days left until the Christmas break. Last week was super busy, however its gone pretty quiet for these last few days. So I was tasked with creating a 3D of a school building that could be used within the library. To start of with, I simply went on Google images to find an image of a school that I could roughly base my model on and after finding one, I got to work with the bases of the school. To create it, it was just a matter of creating cubes and adding cuts so I could manipulate the shape by using tool such as; bevel, extrude and shamfer. To create the roofs, again, I simply used a cube and dragged the corners to create the roof like shape. Then just added the correct textures to the different plains of the shape. Like the rest of the building, windows and doors are very easy to create. Its just adding cuts and extruding them, then adding textures. 

Whilst creating the 3D, I took photos with my phone so you can have a rough idea of the process that I undertook. The reason the building being multicolored in the photos is so that I could decipher the different polys.   

The model is now ready to render which I will do tomorrow in the morning when I first come into work.

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