Tuesday 23 December 2014

3D School Complete Renders

So after completing every thing yesterday, this morning when I came in, to complete every thing, I just had to hit render and here are the finished results. I am actually pretty pleased with how the renders came out; however, the only issues for me are the fact that I haven't added any windows to the larger front walls of the roofs. Also, I could of gone into more detail designing a car park and created a road for the front of the school. The school its self could have had some planters and play equipment added to add some extra realism and detail. These are some things that I will definitely change and add in the new year!

Monday 22 December 2014

3D School

Luckily, its the 22nd and we've only got 2 days left until the Christmas break. Last week was super busy, however its gone pretty quiet for these last few days. So I was tasked with creating a 3D of a school building that could be used within the library. To start of with, I simply went on Google images to find an image of a school that I could roughly base my model on and after finding one, I got to work with the bases of the school. To create it, it was just a matter of creating cubes and adding cuts so I could manipulate the shape by using tool such as; bevel, extrude and shamfer. To create the roofs, again, I simply used a cube and dragged the corners to create the roof like shape. Then just added the correct textures to the different plains of the shape. Like the rest of the building, windows and doors are very easy to create. Its just adding cuts and extruding them, then adding textures. 

Whilst creating the 3D, I took photos with my phone so you can have a rough idea of the process that I undertook. The reason the building being multicolored in the photos is so that I could decipher the different polys.   

The model is now ready to render which I will do tomorrow in the morning when I first come into work.

Friday 19 December 2014

The Weeks Work Load (Progression)

At the end of November, I said that I wanted to set a target to match a full designers rating. As its the week before Christmas, this means the schools/clients will want work to start over the school holidays, basically meaning that before school holidays, its our extreme busy periods.
So I thought I would write a quick post about this weeks work load in regards to my target.

You can see below the complete rating for Monday this week, and with a rating of 5, I am pretty much meeting my target. You can also see that I am up there with the other full designers!

Totals for the day

At the end of this week, I drew a total of 21 files, and once again meeting my target. You can see this below as I use a chart to track my work load throughout the week. I am able to write on the rating of the file, its completion date, if I've completed it and when its been signed of.

Monday 8 December 2014

2D Special Product

Some times, we have special products be requested for order and below is an example of a most recent one I've had to create. This was a rather simple one to do and took hardly any time at all, but i thought it would be a good example as I can show the process with out it becoming to confusing.

Below is a 2D drawing of a 'Fox Tail Tower', one of our products which consists on a 1 meter high tower deck, slide, rock climber and fireman's pole. The red and blue perimeter are the fall zones and show the maximum and minimum fall zones. 

For this product, I had to change the fireman's pole to a log ramp. Below is an image that shows all the available equipment attachments depending on the height of the deck.

Here is an image of the tower exploded ready for the new piece of equipment to be added.

This is the tower design completed, as I said, this was very simple to do as it was only changing one thing. Reps can as for pretty much any thing the want (within reason). For example, I recently had to design a tower with 3 decks, 2 slides and lots of other equipment.

After completing the design of the custom product, if its a tower, you have to consider the safety fall zone area. This is showing the amount of fall zone area and takes into consideration how much safety surfacing that you need to meet 'BSEN Safety Standards'. Below is our fall zone template in which we use to work out the fall zones.

Here below, you can see the correct fall zone template to work out the maximum fall zone line. 

After drawing the maximum fall zone line, we have to use the same fall zone templates, but go in 0.35m form the attachment equipment due to its steep angle. This then creates the minimum fall zone line. 

Below is the complete 'Custom Fox Tail Tower' with a log ramp instead of a fireman's pole. This will then be used on the design and will need to have its own separate quote created using each of its parts. 

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Drawing the 2D of an area

Last week I wrote a post explaining what I actually do at work and what a typical file consists of and what I have to do. Today I though I could show you in more detail how I go about drawing up an area that I am presented with.

So as you can see to the left below, we have the file with the drawing of the area that the rep drew at site. The reps usually draws the area to a 1 or 2 meter square scale (on square boxed paper) with the measurements to the side of the drawing. Using 'TurboCAD Professional 17', I then draw out the measurements as a template for me to draw up the area. By doing this, it allows me to double check all the measurements and insure that every thing is perfect. Some times the Reps measurements might not add up and this requires us to either send an email or call them to fix the problem. Some times the drawing can be quite large and if its to scale, I scan the drawing into the back view port, scale the drawing, check the measurements, then simply draw over the lines of the drawing. However this example file was an easy area and didn't require me to do it.

Using the measurements, and straight lines, I am then able to start drawing and building up the area going of the drawing from the Rep. After drawing all the main lines, I then start to add detail to the drawing, for example; windows, doors, fences, gates, buildings, sheds, slopes, the fall of the area etc.

After doing that, its then just a matter of adding in the colours to make the area look presentable to the client, and obviously represent the area I am designing. To do this, we have a swatches section on the side of the design view port. It has things such as surfacing, wetpour, mulch and other basic things like trees and doors. Like I said earlier on, this design was rather simple to do and to the bottom left, you can see the finished area. The next stage is to then add the equipment that the rep asked for. However, I'll show you how to do this within another post.