Tuesday 25 November 2014

Example of a file

For this post, I'm going to show you what I get presented with at work every day.
We get files given to us who a drawn by people called reps. The reps go to the site and measure the area and speak with the school to find out what equipment they want. They then provide all of the information that we need on a file that is sent to us. On this file, we have the drawing, the site access sheet, photos of the area and other information that we need.
Bellow is an example of a typical file, as you can see this is the drawing page of the area with all the reps notes. 
You may notice that on this drawing, there is hardly no measurements, in this case I had to scan this drawing onto the CAD software and draw it from that.

Here is a photo of it all imported in. After scaling it in, its quite easy to just go over the lines and create the 2D drawing but making sure I keep to the measurements provided. Although sometimes the reps make a few mistakes and the areas don't quite add up. Thus requiring chasing up (phone calls and emails)
However this file was pretty cool to draw.

Below you can see the finished drawing, there are two of them due to the fact that the area had different surfacing options. Windsor artificial grass on the left, and grass green mulch with a depth of 40 mm on the right.

I then proceed to work out the area and depth etc. of the equipment or surfacing that we need. You can see below an image of me working out how many rolls of artificial grass we need and working out the wastage for pricing purposes.

Before I even start drawing, we have to do a removal sheet. To the bottom left, is a picture of a removal sheet. Obviously, we can't just turn up to a site and start building if there's already stuff there, so we do removals of existing equipment, surfacing and markings. 
A removal sheet is easy to fill out as I just have to work out the area of what needs to be removed, provide the right photos if the area an the site access sheet, then Holly (one of my managers) does the rest and created the price! (So I can put on the quote, but ill do a separate post on quoting another time).

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