Sunday 23 November 2014

Second Week At Work

Hi, like I said in my previous post, my first month at Sovereign feels like ages ago and I'm struggling to think what I actually done; however, I've been taking loads of photos. 
On my second week, I actually started to draw up real 2D job files, these were fairly simple ones with not a lot of equipment or surfacing, this was so I could get to grips with the system and how every thing worked within the role that I'm doing.
The week pretty much consisted of cracking on with 2D files as there is a hell of a lot to learn.
The work is based on perfection, I.e measurements of the area have to be spot on, if the rep sending in a drawing of the area, you have to do that perfectly to the last mm. Luckily, I like things to be as best as they can so I enjoy the challenge of making every thing perfect!

As you can see from the above image, I some how ended up with a picture of Will Smiths face...
Looking back at that, it seems quite weird, how ever, I have all my notes on it and its always growing.

Progression photo

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