Friday 16 January 2015

Tower Block

I believe that I've stated in previous posts that we have a 3D library in which we import our equipment and buildings. We have been in need of a tower block for the library and below you can see the tower block that I created. This was a rather simple building to create as it just involved mirroring and copying. 
To create, I simply created one half of the first floor, mirrored it, then copied it eleven times to create twelve floors. The ground floor and top floor just had extruded polys added to them along with details such as the door and aerials on top. 

Thursday 8 January 2015

New School 3D Renders

I managed to have time today to complete my 3D school model. With the previous renders, I was pleased with how they came out, however, I felt that they could of been more realistic. So with that in mind, I added windows to the gabale of the main roofs, added in more walls, a road way out the front, trees, ramps, playground markings and a tower. By doing this, I have added realism to the renders which is what I wanted to do to improve them. 

To add the windows, I simply inserted cuts to the gabale's to extrude into the wall, then build the window and slot it in. The things such as equipment, roadway and trees were imported in from the library.

Monday 5 January 2015

3D Process

So its now the new year and due to our busy period before Christmas, we haven't been as busy which is nice. However, during today, I drew up a job then created the 3D for it as well. You can see the file drawing below and to be honest, it was a bit of a mess. However, I eventually drew it up as and completed the 3D

To the left you can see the completed 2D of the area with all equipment and surfacing added in. After doing that, I paste the 2D into another Turbo Cad doc. and create a basic dwg. file, ready to import into 'Autodesk 3ds max 2012 64 - bit', to create the 3D. 

When the dwg. is imported into 3ds max, and after selecting the right scale (meters), every thing is ready to start building. We are lucky enough to have a library in which equipment is already made, and its just a matter of importing them in to the model and moving it around. With surfacing, its very simple as you just add the correct textures to plains and if its safety surfacing, you add the depth. 

This was a fairly simple area to 3D as it only consisted of a tower, planter, shading, play kitchen,  mound and surfacing. After adding in the equipment, I ran a quick test render to make sure that the textures were all okay, this is because sometimes the names of textures duplicate and cause errors on other pieces of equipment; for example, sometimes you can have a child with a complete grass texture on them... I then created the surrounding area by viewing the photos that the rep provided; that is just usually trees, school buildings and surfacing. Finally, I add the cameras which the render will view from and then render.

Here are the complete renders of the 3D

Render One
Render Two
Render Three